Thursday, December 6, 2012

Marketing Strategy: Product

Products include more than just tangible objects, such as cars, computers, or cell phones. Broadly defined, “products” also include services, events, persons, places, organizations, ideas, or mixes of these.” (Kolter p.209) because of that continental Divide Vodka will be marketed as more than just another vodka, it will be marketed as a lifestyle and an expression of personal image. Using  the image of the outdoors and being all natural give our product an organic quality that seperates uis from the more industrial image that many vodkas brands achieve. “Product planners need to think about products and services on three levels (see Figure 7.1). Each level adds more customer value. The most basic level is the core customer value, which addresses the question What is the buyer really buying” (Kolter p.210)  Continental Divide isn’t just another way to get drunk it’s a way to enjoy experience a taste of nature.  Finally, product planners must build an augmented product around the core benefit and actual product by offering additional consumer services and benefits. (Kolter p211) this will be achieved by sponsoring events and having promotions at bars and nightclubs.

Kotler, Gary Armstrong and Philip. Marketing: An Introduction for Education Management Corporation, 10th Edition.

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